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In 2019, we are pulled between two trends that are a bit resistant! Between wild passion, very optimistic forecasts, fantastic propositions, excesses of all kinds, and certain heavenly order that invite us to expressly follow the path of reason, we will have to choose!
Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will play a strange part and score in 2019 and if Jupiter tends to increase the unrealistic expression of Neptune, not sure yet that this monster of the zodiac is pointing us in the right way. So let us be careful of any
admire of our powers and of any objective that is disconnected from reality and could lead us to chaos or at least ... to confusion around mid-January (the 13th), mid-June (the 16th) and the end of September (the 21st)! A retraction of responsibility, clarity at half-mast, a tendency to deception, wanting to take off without a belt, and social upset? With a bonus risk of discovery of abuse (financial, political, ideological, and so on ...)!

It should be noted, however, that the tension between Jupiter and Neptune will not only have harmful effects, but this active could praise certain humanist, philosophical, and spiritual projects that could greatly prefer the debates. In fact, everything will be a question of measurement!
So let's count on the second cosmic actor on our paths in 2019 to personality our emotion and our big and small mistake, but especially to help us pass from smoky dreams to helpful reality that are no less senseless. Saturn will attempt to bring Neptune (and us at the same time) back down to earth around January 31st, June 18th, and November 9th, when this "great teacher" of the zodiac will try to correct the excess of zeal and other unlimited need of Jupiter!

A confront between our wish to push the boundaries of the possible and the art and way of how to do it without exceeding the limits! We must try to anchor what can be in solid basis and maintain the course ... for the long run! It will therefore, in 2019, be for us to go from youth to middle age, crazy expectations to reasonable advances that are concerned with the good of everyone! Routes that we could definitely take from mid-December 2019! Waiting for 2020 when our current choices should finally allow us to complete a necessary metamorphosis, whether personal, societal and/or ideological!
